Valet Bicycle Parking


It's like a coat check for bicycles. We provide bicycle parking allowing residents, and visitors, to attend events via bike without concern for parking options.


  • Located at the event site
    Instead of looking for a distant place to park, ride up to the event and spend more time on site.
  • Dedicated, secure parking space with racks
    No locks needed. No searching for a rack or pole. Just peace of mind knowing your steed is in a safe place.
  • Cuts down on traffic congestion
    Reduce your carbon footprint, avoid event traffic, and enjoy a ride outdoors.
  • Better use of event space
    Bike parking uses less space than motor vehicle parking allowing event promoters breathing room.


Each year we partner with local events to provide safe and secure bicycle parking. We have been providing valet bicycle services to the Colonial Club for their StrawberryFest and to the Sun Prairie Public Library Foundation for their Book'n It Run. We have also provided valet services to previous Bacon, Brew, and BBQ events as well as other local events. During 2020 we took a break from valet services due to regional covid based gathering limitations and for safety concerns. For 2021 we are postponing our valet services to later in the year for similar reasons. We look forward to providing more valet bicycle parking services in the future. 

As we plan events we will add them to this page. 

Add Events?

If you have an event that you feel would benefit from valet bicycle services, please reach out to us using the form on our Contact Us page. 

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