It. Is. Finally. Happening! WisDOT has scheduled installation of Bicycle and Pedestrian signal equipment at the intersection of High Crossing Blvd & American Parkway.
This intersection is one of the most often heard and requested improvements. It's been a barrier for many people who would like to come to Sun Prairie from Madison, or for individuals who are commuting between our cities. This project started back in 2019 and was formally addressed in a meeting between city of Sun Prairie elected officials and staff, city of Madison engineering staff, the Greater Madison MPO, and representatives from WisDOT in March 2020.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, project delays, and equipment shortages, this project was postponed a few times but is finally scheduled for June of 2022.
We want to thank all of our partners, supporters, and community members who advocated for this improvement. We can't wait to see improvements that will provide a safer crossing for all modes of transportation at that intersection!