The Sun Prairie Bicycling Advocacy Group is looking for people to assist with bike parking before and during the 14th Annual Book'n It Run!
Event Details
Saturday, Aug 4
Event held at Sheehan Park, 1351 Linnerud Drive, Sun Prairie
8:00 AM Start time for 10K Run, 5K Run, and 5K Walk
Volunteer Opportunities
Willing to work a 1 hour shift?
Willing to ride your bike behind the last participants and "sweep" the course, letting route volunteers know they can leave their posts?
7:00-8:00 AM - Christine Congdon + __________
8:00-9:00 AM - Peter Dettmer + __________
9:00-10:00 AM - __________ + ___________
10:00-11:00 AM - ___________ + ____________
Route Sweeper _____________________