Some news from last night's monthly CORP meeting:
- The Trail Service Day at Seminole this weekend has been cancelled.
- A new, wider bridge is being built over the creek near Camrock 1. This is on the singletrack that connects Cambridge to the main trial system. The trail is rated beginner and the bridge was a bit more than many could handle. Thus a new wider, easier to traverse bridge is in the works.
- The organizer for the Battle of CamRock race is still looking for volunteers including someone to run the kids' races. More details can be found here: Profits from this event go toward local mountain bike trail upkeep.
And don't forget the other trail service days that are currently listed on our calendar. Though many trails require trail passes, the money for those passes does not go toward trail work and maintenance. This work is performed by CORP, the local chapter of the International Mountain Bike Association, and volunteers like you.