We are excited to share some good news! We got confirmation from WisDOT that improvements for a safer Ped/Bike crossing at the High Crossing Blvd & Nelson Rd/AmFam Parkway intersection are planned for this Fall (2020).

The plans include pedestrian signals with push buttons at every crossing, push buttons for bikes as close to the edge of roadway as possible and some cameras. The upgrade is planned for this fall, but some work might get done sooner.
We would like to thank everyone who expressed support to WisDOT for these improvements. We know several of you contacted your alder, emailed WisDOT directly and the city's Plan Commission passed a resolution in support of these improvements! THANK YOU!
We would also like to thank our friends at Madison Bikes for their support. They participated in a conference call with WisDOT, wrote a letter of support, and engaged city of Madison Planning and Traffic Engineering staff!