Since we started our advocacy group more than 5 years ago, we've seen improvements of multi-modal transportation infrastructure in Sun Prairie. But it is still a patchwork of guidelines, regulations and often opinions of residents that determine street design for all users.
Our streets do more than connect us to work, soccer practice, or the grocery store: our streets connect neighbors and families. That's why we're such adamant advocates for streets that are accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
There is an ongoing discussion when it comes to sidewalks in Sun Prairie. It appears that some residents believe that the street they live on belongs to them. It does not. It belongs to all residents.

We often hear the argument of cost and taxes going up because of sidewalks. Residents state that they don't want sidewalks, because they don't use them, have never used them, and no one will ever use them, therefore, their tax dollars should not be used for it.
Let's apply this logic to the fire and police departments. We never had a fire, we never had to call the police, therefore, tax dollars should not be used to fund them.
We support safe street design for all users! There are ongoing local, state and national efforts. Please show your support at every level! You can start by contacting your local alder and ask them to adopt the sidewalk policy into ordinance, as of the new Comprehensive plan.
An important bill we're supporting on the state and national level is the SAFE Streets Act, which would target funding to fix the most dangerous roads. Another is the Complete Streets Act, which would prioritize the design of safer roads in the first place (via